
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

If you need vision correction and are wondering if contact lenses are a good alternative for you,

there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

Think about your lifestyle. For example, do you participate in any sports? If you jog, do aerobics, or other jarring sports, you will likely find glasses cumbersome.

They will have a tendency to slip and fall off, or you will have to purchase a strap to keep them on. Even then, they may fog up when you sweat or sweat may drip onto them.

Contact lenses will save you all this trouble. You will be able to see clearly and won’t have to worry about them falling off.

If you play contact sports, you may not be able to wear glasses, or you may have to invest in goggles large enough to cover them, or even more costly, prescription safety glasses.

If you are a swimmer however, contact lenses may not be a good choice, as you could lose them if you open your eyes underwater.

Another factor to bear in mind is maintenance. Glasses will get smudged and will need to be cleaned occasionally to optimize your ability to see through them, but keeping contact lenses clean is critical not only for your vision, but for your health as well.

If you don’t clean your lenses properly or often enough, you can put yourself at risk for an eye infection that could possibly leave you with a vision loss that cannot be corrected.

Using disposable contact lenses can make taking care of your lenses easier, but you still will need to make sure that your hands are very clean before putting them in, and take care of them properly if you take your lenses out and put them back in for any reason.

If you don’t think that you can add any steps to your daily hygiene routine, then contact lenses may not be the best choice.

Quality of vision correction is one area where contact lenses are superior to glasses no matter who you are. Since the lens part of contact lenses sits directly on your eye and covers the seeing part of your eye completely, you will have corrected vision all around,

including to the top, bottom, and sides, whereas with glasses, there is no correction for your peripheral vision. That can be problematic for activities like driving, or if the quality of your vision is important in your profession.

Speak to your eye care health professional about your options. They can explain the pros and cons of wearing glasses or contacts, and help you make the best choice for you.

A List Of Contact Lens Benefits

WHY CONTACTS? The word is nearly as old as the mountains and a number of people still turn around and fire the ‘why’ thing at you.

Are Contact Lenses Right For You?
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

All you do is shrug your eyes spread wide in wonder if there could be such a question regarding something that has been around for what seems like eternity now. But then, a question is a question howsoever obvious the answer might be.

First and the foremost, one gets rid of the irritating apparatus on one’s face, which immediately undoes the aesthetic loss caused by its presence.

In short, you look smarter than ever. That was one reason that comes first to anyone who thinks about the pros of the contacts, but it is not the only one by any means.

When was the last time you wished you had wipers on your glasses so that you didn’t have to take them off ever now and then to remove the misty presence of water or snow. That’s another one of the advantages.

The glasses distort the appearance of objects. This distortion is done away with in case of contacts. One sees the real things the real way. Besides, the peripheral vision is, to a large extent, compromised with glasses, which is not the case with the lenses.

For sportsmen who play outdoor games like football, lenses are indispensable because with
glasses chances are that one fine day while you are chasing the ball,

it will suddenly disappear and by the time you get your glasses back, the opponents will be celebrating. In short, get the lenses before you are out of the team.

Those were the pros, but it would be unfair to the ‘why-guy’ if we hid the downside. The most prominent disadvantage is that they need careful handling and frequent replacements, which makes them delicate things that are heavy on the pocket.

Another problem is that since contacts are worn inside the eyes, the chances of infection are quite high.
And for the carefree professionals there is an extra note of caution.

Dear fellow, unlike the glasses, you cannot just come home and toss them off. You need to clean them, disinfect them and then place them back in the lens case.

Thus, time, diligence, patience and money are the four things a contact lens demands of its wearer. If you have them, it’s a great companion, and if not, better get used to the glasses.

Contact Lenses – They Will Change Your Life, No Doubt At All

If you have never tried contact lenses over glasses, you are in for a very pleasant surprise. Similarly, if you last tried contacts more than a few years ago, the technology has moved on so far that it is worth trying them again.

One of the best contact lenses 1
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

Contacts win hands down on convenience; no more rain on your glasses blocking your vision, no more misting up when you walk into a warm room, no more uncomfortably hot or cold metal frames.

Yes, you have to clean them once a day, but if you get the deservedly popular disposable lenses, you do not even have to do that.

Contact lens choices are very wide; from old-fashioned hard or soft lenses to the more recent gas-permeable, disposable and 24 hour wear lenses. You can even get lenses now that last a week without removal or cleaning.

Lenses that you can wear for seven days can make an amazing difference to your life. My daughter has needed quite strong lenses since she was 7 or 8 years old.

She recently switched to these monthly disposable lenses. Now she says – It is great to be able to see when I wake up! No more reaching for my glasses before I even get out of bed.

Contact lens wearers usually need a pair of glasses as well, for those occasional days when your eyes are very sensitive and won’t tolerate any contact lenses at all.

You can even get contact lenses now for older patients who would otherwise wear bifocals or vari-focal glasses.

You can find cosmetic contact lenses that will change the color of your iris, even ones that will appear to change the shape of your iris – cat’s eyes.

No longer will you need four pairs of glasses, reading, distance, intermediate distance (for computer use) and tinted. No more clutter and endless spectacle cases. Amazing.

Tips For Buying Contact Lenses

There are some people out there who wonder why people spend money on expensive contact lenses or expensive glasses.

One of the best contact lenses 1
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

If you’ve never worn glasses or contacts, then chances are that you have really good vision. On the other hand, those that don’t have really good vision will need to get either contact lenses or glasses in order to have near perfect vision.

Contact lenses, in most cases, will drastically improve your vision without having to get glasses, which is reason enough to invest in a pair of contacts.

They are very lightweight, and they offer you a full range of sight and mobility. Unlike wearing glasses, contacts don’t hang on your face

– when you wear them others won’t able to tell. If you wear glasses, you may want to look into getting a pair of contact lenses.

You can buy contact lenses in several different ways. You can order them online, which is what most people tend to do.

Companies such as offer hundreds of contacts and prescriptions, which they deliver right to your door.

When you order online you can get a great price, and then have the contacts brought right to you – with no travel or waiting in line required to get your contact lenses when you need them.

You can also purchase your contacts at your opticians office as well. Buying this way is a great decision if you don’t have access to the Internet.

You can also purchase at a local store that sells contacts and glasses, such as Wal-Mart. The prices are great here as well,

as they offer a variety of different contacts for those who need them. You can also buy solution here as well, making it well worth the trip to get your contact lenses.

If you shop around, you can normally find some great deals for your lenses. Depending on the brand and type your optician prescribed, the prices will vary.

If you are buying the latest and greatest brands of contacts, you can obviously count on the price to be a bit higher. This is to be expected, as contacts cost the most when they first come out and are available for purchase.

Several people who need contacts will want them, although they think bad things and normally don’t end up purchasing them – choosing to go with glasses instead.

Contrary to what many think, contacts don’t get stuck behind your eyes, nor do they damage your eyes when you wear them. If this was indeed the case, contacts wouldn’t be legal to sell – or recommended by top opticians.

In order to buy contacts, you’ll need a prescription. When you go to an optician for the fitting process, he will examine your eyes and let you know if you can wear contacts.

There are a few types, such as soft and hard. Depending on your eyes, you may have to get a special type of contact lens.

The optician will give you his recommendation, and tell you everything you need to know and do for the contacts that he will give you a prescription for.

If your vision is bad, or if you just want to ditch the glasses, you should look into a pair of contact lenses. They are very affordable, easy to take care of, and easy to use.

You can wear them during the day, then take them out at night – or get a pair that you can wear night and day. They won’t stick out like glasses,

as it is very hard to tell if someone is wearing contacts. With many ways to buy them – contact lenses are the best option for those with not so great vision.

Contact Lens Discounts

Contact lenses have made lives simpler for millions of people world wide, today no matter what part of the globe you are from if you have ever worn a pair of glasses in your life chances are you have considered getting contact lenses.

One of the best contact lenses 1
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

Contact lenses are worn by over 125 million people the world over. Apart from helping people get rid of glasses, contact lenses also offer many more features that conventional visual aids like glasses cannot offer.

As mentioned earlier the biggest advantage of contact lenses is that they are almost invisible, and unless a person tells you he or she is wearing contact lenses it is almost impossible to find out.

A majority of the people in the world today wear contact lenses for this cosmetic purpose alone. It is not uncommon for people to completely ditch their glasses in exchange for contact lenses.

Apart from making people with glasses look prettier, contact lenses also have more scientific advantages spectacles to do not have.

Compared to a pair of glasses, contact lenses allow for a much wider field of vision. Since glasses are limited in that they have very little or no visibility at the extreme ends they are disadvantageous to people like sportsmen and soldiers.

In fact most infantry soldiers with glasses prefer contact lenses as they provide better field of vision, and modern day contact lenses can be worn for long durations of time without any problems.

Also contact lenses are not bulky or prone to breakage like spectacles. People that are involved in manual labour or sports activities like football, baseball etc cannot dream of wearing spectacles to work. This is where contact lenses have a unique advantage.

Another advantage that contact lenses have when compared to spectacles is that contact lenses do not steam or fog like spectacles, also contact lenses are unaffected by rain and other weather conditions that directly affect glasses.

A popular area where contact lenses are being used today is altering the colour of the iris, by wearing cosmetic lenses a person can alter the colour of his or her eyes within minutes.

Most cosmetic contact lenses are certified by the FDA and can be used without any additional complications, however all contact lens users are advised to maintain proper hygiene while using contact lenses.

If you are currently wearing spectacles and considering switching over to contact lenses then there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

Contact lenses require a little more care when compared to glasses. Also contact lenses cannot be worn for longer duration of time in the beginning.

It takes time for the eye to adjust to the contact lenses, so if you are expecting to get used to your new contact lenses immediately think again.

Also if you are part of a profession where glasses are actually impairing your day to day activities then it is always a good idea to get yourself a pair of contact lenses. Remember always get professional help and use only prescribed contact lenses.

Switching To Contact Lenses

Switching from glasses to contact lenses is easier than you may think. Contact lenses are the preferred alternative to vision correction these days, offering you the vision enhancement you need at a price you can afford.

One of the best contact lenses 1
Are Contact Lenses Right For You?

There are a lot of things you’ll to need to know about your contacts, although they are far superior to the traditional correction of glasses.

The first thing you’ll need to do when getting contact lenses is to visit your optician and be fitted for the lenses. Your optician will give you a prescription for your contacts,

examine the health of your eyes, and tell you which type of contacts will work the best for you. He or she can also tell you which contacts are best for your budget as well.

These days, there are several contact lenses to choose from. You have many different manufacturers as well, offering many different types, colors, and styles.

Not all are suitable for you though, as no 2 eyes are the same. When you get fitted for your contact lenses, your optician will be able to help you make that decision.

When you first start wearing your contacts, you should never wear them for extended periods of time. Contacts will need some time to adjust to your eyes, and your eyes will need some time to rest.

If you wear them too long when you start wearing them, they can harm your eyes. Your optician will tell you what he recommends,

which is normally a few hours during the day then take them out. With each passing day, you can wear them for longer periods until your eyes gradually adjust.

Another aspect that will take some getting used to, that you don’t face with glasses, is knowing how to handle your contact lenses.

You’ll need to make sure that your hands are clean before you handle your contacts, to avoid scratching or damaging the lenses.

When you take your contacts out or put them in your eyes, you’ll need to handle them – which requires your hands to be clean.

Something you may experience with your new contacts is dry eyes. Dryness in the eyes when wearing contacts is very common, and should be expected.

When wearing glasses, this is one problem you won’t have. If your eyes start to dry out when wearing your contacts, you should put a few drops of re-wetting or saline solution in your eyes.

These drops will help to moisten your eyes and give you some relief from the irritation that dryness causes.

Although glasses need to be cleaned frequently, contact lenses need to be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis.

Protein will build up on the surface of the contacts, requiring them to be cleaned with a disinfecting or multi-purpose solution.

The easiest way to do this is to soak your contacts in the solution when you go to sleep at night. This way, you can wake up in the morning and your contact lenses will be ready to wear.

All in all, contact lenses are preferred over glasses. You’ll need to change them out though, normally every couple of weeks.

Changing them out with a fresh pair will make your eyes feel refreshed, and keep you from getting infections. Contact lenses are great for virtually anyone, and they can give you a full range of sight.

They won’t hang off your face like glasses – yet they will give the freedom in knowing that you can do virtually any activity you choose.

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