hair care

best 10 dos of great hair care 1

best 10 dos of great hair care 1

best 10 dos of great hair care 1 If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance

best 10 dos of great hair care 1
best 10 dos of great hair care 1


of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks. In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look.

From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.
The only problem is that while

many people are buying the right hair care products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses.

Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their hair by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior.

So, what should you do to make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong? Here are 10 essential “must dos” of great hair care.

Hair care dos

1. Use the right hair care products for your specific hair type. If you’re hair is damaged, dry or color treated, use hair care products formulated to repair this damage and add much-needed shine and resiliency.

On the other hand, if your hair is oily, use a deep-cleansing shampoo and light conditioner to keep your hair looking its best. The right products should be at the base of your hair care routine.

2. Get a trim every 6 to 8 weeks as part of your regular hair care routine. Even if you are growing your hair longer, it is still vital to make a routine trim a major part of your hair care routine.

Snipping ends before they split will keep your hair looking healthy and save you hair care headaches in the end.

3. Protect your hair with hair care products that contain sunscreen.

4. Shampoo your hair only when it is dirty. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to shampoo your hair daily. Doing so can make your hair dry and hard to work with.

5. Turn to a professional for all of your hair care needs. Yes, kitchen beauticians and friends do not cost as much as putting

your hair care needs in the hands of a qualified professional, but they often result in blunders that end up costing you more money than if you went to the salon in the first place.

6. Use professional conditioning hair coloring systems. There are many hair coloring systems on the market, and the ones you choose can have a great impact on your hair care costs.

Simply put: choose a system that causes minimal damage and conditions hair as it colors. This will save you money when it comes to conditioning hair care products.

7. Stick with one chemical service. In order to keep your hair as healthy as it can be, ask your hair care professional to recommend only one chemical service: color or perm.

By only using the service that is perfect for your particular style and needs, you will ensure that your hair stays healthier.

8. Add Texture. By adding texture to your style, through perm or cut, you can greatly reduce the time it takes to style and perform your daily hair care routine. And you will look sensational.

9. Choose hair color that compliments your style. With all of the professional coloring techniques available, this part of your hair care regimen has never been easier. From chunky highlights to soft color, you can greatly enhance your style with the right technique.

10. Comb your hair with a wide-toothed come when it is wet to prevent breakage. The only time you should use a brush during your hair care routine is when your hair is barely damp or dry.

In the end, hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

 Read also (best hair care tips and more 1 )

10 Definite Don’ts Of Great Hair Care

best 10 dos of great hair care 1
best 10 dos of great hair care 1

If the amount of money consumers spend on hair care products annually is any indication, most people are concerned about the appearance of their hair and strive to attain beautiful, healthy and stylish locks.

In fact, most will go to any lengths to achieve their desired look. From professional salon treatments to over-the-counter serums, hair care is a big business.

The only problem is that while many people are buying the right hair care products for their hair, they forget to follow basic hair care regimens that will guarantee the health and beauty of their tresses.

Additionally, many are also causing needless damage to their hair by participating in unhealthy hair care behavior.

So, what should you do to make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny and strong?
To avoid all hair care disasters, follow these 10 absolute don’ts of great hair care.

Hair care don’ts

1. Avoid unprofessional and over-the-counter hair care products whenever you can. Many of these only offer false hopes and promises.

2. Do not cut your own bangs. Leave all of your cutting needs, even bangs, to your hair care professional.

3. Avoid excessive sun, chlorine and salt water during the summer months. Excessive exposure can cause severe damage that is irreversible even if you use the best hair care products.

4. Do not use clarifying hair care products on your tresses more than one time per week. They can strip hair of moisture and essential oils.

5. Do not visit a hair care salon without first getting a referral from someone you can trust. Choosing a salon based on an advertisement or sale alone is very risky.

6. Do not purchase hair color that comes in a box.

7. Never stick with an outdated look because you are afraid of looking different. Styles change for a reason. Ask your hair care professional to bring you into this decade with a new style.

8. Do not straighten your hair with a clothes iron. C’mon, this was so over in the 70s. We have straightening irons that won’t damage your hair for this now. Look in the hair care isle.

9. Don’t brush your hair or put too much tension on it while it is still wet. This will cause breakage. Also, do not wear tight styles such as corn rows for extended periods of time unless you have ethnic hair.

10. Never use sun-lightening products such as lemon juice or over-the-counter hair care products designed to lighten hair with the sun unless you want a very short hair cut in the future.

In the end, hair care is a very individualized and personal thing. Feel free to add your own flair and style to your hair care routine, but remember to include hair care principles that will benefit your hair and avoid those that damage it.

 Read also (how best to shampoo hair 1 )

Entice Healthy Hair with Hair Care Tips


best 10 dos of great hair care 1
best 10 dos of great hair care 1

Hair is an important aspect of an individual’s appearance. It is natural and is determined at the time of birth. It generates from the number of roots in the scalp.

Each hair grows up to a certain length and then stops naturally. It even sheds down at some point. New hair shaft replaces the lost hair. Now this new hair needs to be taken care of.

Healthy hair is a mirror to a good health. But due to the velocity of life one tends to skip over health issues leaving apart hair care. Here are a few hair care tips to ease hair loss and achieve manageable healthy hair.

Balanced Diet: Hair being a part of your body is affected by the food intake of an individual. It is recommended that a daily diet should be balanced with adequate amount of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins and minerals.

An individual having oily hair should avoid intake of oily food items. Drinking plenty of water cleanses the toxins in turn enabling healthy hair growth.

Natural Hair Care: Brushing your hair regularly to stimulate the scalp will keep it looking healthy and lustrous. Never attack wet hair with a brush, no matter how rushed for time you are.

Tangles in wet hair are best removed with a wide-toothed comb. A warm oil scalp massage two or three times a week will help stimulate and moisturize the scalp.

Air dry: Blow drying your hair robs off the excess moisture. It damages your hair even more. Let your hair air-dry whenever possible. Stand under the fan and run your fingers gently through the hair helping it dry.

Various hair care products are available in the market to help your hair restore its natural health and protect it from chemicals. Hair gels, creams, oils, shampoo, conditioner and hair softeners are to name a few.

A wide range of hair care accessories in hair spray, tweezers, hair scissors, hair cutting scissors, sheers, professional sheers, hair sheers, hair comb, bobby pin, head band, eyelash curler, hair brush, and shower cap accessories are available.

For each hair care accessory and product, a full description of the product, picture of the package and the directions for its use is given.

In order to purchase a hair care product or accessory, one need not go searching for a salon or beauty shop. You can order it online. It’s the easiest way to purchase the right product to spruce your hair.

Healthy hair is a blessing. Treat your hair right for lustrous and healthy hair.

 Read also (best hair care tips 1 )

Natural Hair Care Products – Beginners Guide
best 10 dos of great hair care 1
best 10 dos of great hair care 1

The effectiveness of modern, natural hair care products is known to all, because they are very effective in reducing hair loss and enhancing hair beauty. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and may deliver additional health benefits.

Balanced diets rich in vitamins and minerals are a must for hair health. In this regard, natural products are receiving increased recognition after years of neglect.

Natural hair care products have become popular for both external and internal use. Besides, they have less chance of causing over-treatment and they rarely over-dry or over-condition your hair .

Using the right hair care and beauty products is essential for the look and health of your hair . But, the problem with natural hair care products is that you may find it difficult to choose one that is appropriate for you and your hair .

Most of the products available in the market today, bear a “Natural” label, whether genuine or fake making it harder to find a good natural hair care product.

Four types of products make a medley of hair care items. The four basic natural hair care products are: hair cleansing products, hair conditioners, hair remedies and hair nutrition products.

What Are Natural Hair Care Products?

Not all natural hair care products all natural. Products available in salons and over store counters are never 100% natural, because, for better results and preservation issues, they need to contain a certain amount of synthetic ingredients.

The synthetic products can also provide better foaming, cleaning and emulsifying than 100% natural products. However, you can prepare some home made hair care products that are absolutely natural.

You might have come across some organic hair growth products and equaled that with natural hair growth products. However, they are different.

Organic does not mean natural. You can prepare organic products synthetically and those products are not always safe, gentle and effective.

Some Natural Hair Care Products

Nettle Root Extract: It is rich in vitamins A and C, it is used as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase.

Saw Palmetto Extract: It is an effective anti-androgen and fights benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT. That’s why it is good for the people in androgenetic alopecia.

Rosemary and Sage: These are very good natural hair enhancers. Boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock and use in the hair. This will strengthen your hair.

Jojoba Oil: It keeps your scalp healthy and free from skin diseases. It controls dandruff. Jojoba oil is also a great moisturizer for your hair.

Aloe Vera: It balances the pH level of scalp and heals by cleaning the pores. Shampoo made up of aloe vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is a great hair enhancer.

Henna: Henna is a popular natural hair conditioner and hair coloring product. It is excellent for the maintenance of healthy hair. It protects hair against breakage and restores hair shine.

Psyllium husk: Psyllium husk works as a laxative agent, it safely move waste through the colon. And makes your digestive system clean healthy, which is necessary for better hair health.

Natural hair care the best treatment for hair loss

There are several Causes of Hair Loss in Women and men and as there are a number of causes, there are also a number of Hair Loss Medications for Males and females available.

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia (males) which can also be called DHT Hair Loss. When testosterone, the male hormone, gets converted to DHT, it results in hair loss.

Besides Anti-Androgen Medication, there are a number of Herbal Nutritional Supplements available which contain natural substances for blocking this transformation into DHT by the human body and are able to take care of hair loss.

The active ingredients of these supplements are all-natural herbal, vitamin, and mineral DHT inhibitors. These natural hair care products contain no harsh chemicals and do not have sexual side effects which are very much evident in Hair Loss Medication.

The common hair care treatments available for females for normal hair care include shampoos, conditioners, whereas hair Re-growth treatment with Anti-Androgens and topical treatment with Rogaine are the only available options for female balding.

There are many limitations of the anti androgen therapy, and the topical medication Rogaine which is more effective in preventing further hair loss rather than stimulating hair growth, is quite expensive and requires a long period of treatment (from 6 months to a year).

Besides, the results obtained after a long period of use disappear after the treatment is stopped. In such situations it is best to explore the natural hair care secrets offered by many Natural Herbal Supplements and the Nutritional Health Vitamin Supplements.

Nutrition plays a very important role for hair care. The hair follicles which are in an active growth phase are strong and healthy compared to those which are in the resting stage.

A steady flow of proper nutritional building blocks is essential for hair follicles to grow and produce healthy hair fiber. The follicles derive their nutrition from the blood.

A balanced diet which has the natural vitamin supplements, proteins and mineral and health supplements is able to provide natural nutritional supplements to the hair follicles. If the already weak hair follicles do not get proper nutrition they become more prone to shedding.

These natural health supplements create an atmosphere where the tiny follicles beneath your scalp receive exactly what they need to create beautiful, full-bodied hair and also the power they need to sustain themselves when old.

Preventive care is the best form of treatment for any type of illness and hair loss is no exception. By providing the advantage of best nutritional and natural hair care you are sure to have a better control of hair loss.

Natural food supplements are the key to good health, and using natural hair care products and supplements are the best hair loss treatments for hair care.

Natural hair care secrets lie in taking a scientifically balanced mixture of Vitamins, Minerals and other Health Supplements which have long been regarded as effective for providing the right nourishment to the

hair follicles and retain their vitality, natural color and the their potential for re-growth which can be lost due to both the internal and external causes.

Science has now unraveled the natural care secrets of phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, many of these chemicals have antioxidant capabilities greater than vitamin A, C, or E and the vitamins which have also been shown to be related with hair care.

Many of these chemicals have anti-cancer benefits, and the good news is that there are thousands of such chemicals found in each fruit or vegetable.

Besides fruits and vegetables, nature has many herbs and plants which are able to provide natural hair care. Hormonal imbalance resulting from menopause is an important cause of hair loss in women.

Besides menopause, hormonal imbalance is also caused during pregnancy, child birth, and is the cause of poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women, hormonal imbalance is also one of the main causes of hair loss in women.

Many of the herbs have the required natural supplements in them which are able to take care of most of the problems women face, so much so that they can be labeled as Women Health Supplements.

These natural women health supplements are able to prevent hair loss due to menopause and are especially useful for women’s health during the difficult phases of their life.

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